Rugby: Upper Sixth XIII vs The Dragon [H]

On a lovely and mild autumnal day, The Upper Sixth played host again to the Dragon School at home. After a physical and intense game against Beachborough last week, which saw the visitors as the eventual victors, we witnessed one of the strongest and fastest starts to a game in a long time. Bruern came out on the attack from the moment the whistle blew. The boys tackled, rucked, and passed with ferocity and intensity that just blew the opposition away quickly and ruthlessly. Rudy C(S) probably scored one of the quickest hat tricks seen at Bruern. He was the fortunate recipient of some excellent teamwork.
This fast start continued throughout the game and the Dragon never really recovered from such a quick start. It was wonderful to watch the boys producing such great rugby. Edward R and Henry D in particular were impressive with their fast play. Teddy C-F was excellent, making some great tackles and created some lovely spaces with his running. A lovely win for the boys as they look forward to two more tough fixtures against MCS and Abingdon Prep.

Well done boys!

Mr Vadivale