Registration FormLeave this field blank Pupil Details Are you registering for a boarding or day place? BoardingDay Proposed Year of Entry Proposed Term of Entry Michaelmas (Autumn)Lent (Spring)Summer Pupil Surname Pupil First Name(s) Pupil Preferred First Name (if applicable) Home Address Phone Number (Home) Pupil Date of Birth Pupil Age at Time of Entry Pupil Nationality Pupil Religious Denomination Present School Present School AddressYour details (Parent 1) Title (Parent 1) Surname (Parent 1) First Name(s) (Parent 1) Occupation (Parent 1) Phone Number Parent 1 (Mobile/Work) Email Address (Parent 1) Other parent's details (if applicable) (Parent 2) Title (Parent 2) Surname (Parent 2) First Name(s) (Parent 2) Occupation (Parent 2) Phone Number Parent 2 (Mobile/Office) Email Address (Parent 2) Invoice Email Address Where did you hear about us? -- Select --Friends or familySibling attended the schoolFormer pupilMember of staffSearch engineSocial mediaOnline listingSchool recommendationSpecialist recommendationMagazine/pressOther (Please state below) Other Full Name Email Telephone Address Current Year Group -- Select --Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11 MessageConsents I give permission for Bruern Abbey School to use photographs or videos of the child mentioned above for marketing purposes. By submitting this form, I/we confirm that I/we have made a full disclosure to Bruern Abbey of any previous reports that have been carried out for my/our son (e.g. Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Behavioural Optometrist, mental health professionals, existence of an EHCP etc). I/We have also made full disclosure of any breaks in my/our child’s education where he has been home-schooled. If there is any further information that needs to be shared I/we will email this to immediately. The information you are about to submit will be used to effectively handle your enquiry in accordance with the School’s admissions process. This may include email, phone and postal correspondence. We promise to treat your personal details with the utmost care and will never share or sell your data to third parties. I am happy for my data to be processed. SubmitHtml content