Rugby: Senior C XII v Beachborough [A]

On Wednesday afternoon, The Senior C Team took a short journey to play in their first fixture of the season, away against Beachborough.

Bruern had a mixed team consisting of both L6th and U6th. For some boys it was their first contact rugby match representing Bruern.

Bruern started the match strongly and dominated the early stages of the game. The lads played some impressive rugby and we found ourselves winning comfortably at half time. In the spirit of good sportsmanship, we gave Beachborough a few of our players to make it a bit more of a competitive second half.

The second half was therefore a lot more challenging for Bruern. However, we maintained our standards and scored a couple of late tries to finish the game victorious! The final score was 10-5 to Bruern. Special mentions must go to captain Matthew E, Bruno T and Frank J, who all had exceptional games.

People will look at the final score and say it was an impressive win. (Which it was!) However, for me the most pleasing outcome from the match was the boys’ attitude and sportsmanship. Some boys spent more time on the bench than they would have liked, and some boys played for the opposition due to the contrast in abilities. Nevertheless, there was no complaining and they competed with a smile on their face and gave 100% for the duration of the match. Of course, we want to win, but we want to do so in the correct manner.

All 15 boys were great representatives of the school and should be extremely proud of themselves.

Mr Barrett