Rugby: Colts Blues v The Dragon [A]

The 6 a-side Blue team played a magnificent game of Touch Rugby on Wednesday afternoon against Dragon school.

Despite The Dragon having 10 players and therefore being able to do regular substitutions, Bruern kept up their energy and efforts for the entirety of the match as a team of 6. Lawrence R-B's ability to move and keep possession of the ball was extremely effective. He registered two tries and played a vital role in the team. As did Jack P, who's exhilaration and quick feet helped him to score an impressive total of five tries. However, this could not have been done without Henry W, Adam H and James C's proficient passing and Luke G's admirable speed across the pitch with the ball. Although the final result was 9-7 to Dragon, I couldn’t be more proud of the boys for putting in 100% and demonstrating a quality example of good teamwork.

Cant wait to see more of this in the future! Well done boys and have a lovely weekend.

Miss Munns