Football: Tri-tournament Cothill vs. New College vs. Colts Greens [A]

The Bruern Prep Colts Green team arrived at Cothill on Wednesday, to play both Cothill and New College in a tri-tournament. Boys arrived keen and focused on scoring and making space with their passes. First up was a re-match with New College, who we had narrowly lost to last week. Bruern started strong, but then we let an early goal rattle us and by half-time we were two goals down. Bruern played some great corners in the second half, with plenty of goals on target. Despite our best effort the match ended in a frustrating loss as Bruern had massively improved their tactics from last week. However, this did not deter the boys, as we went straight into the next game with a bang!

Cothill were clearly a strong side, but Bruern raised their game with two quick goals in the first half. Some exceptional assists and we went into half-time 2-0 up. The second half opened, as the heavens did, and Bruern were on the back foot in defence. Some phenomenal, body launching goalkeeping kept most of Cothill's attempts at bay; but as Bruern tired, one too many goals hit the back of the net and the game ended 3-2 to Cothill. The Bruern boys should be proud of their progress this half-term and I look forward to pushing hard for our first (and very well deserved) win after the Lent half term when football season resumes.

Mr E Bryant