Football: Senior B v Beachborough

For the final match of the season the Senior B team faced a strong Beachborough team who made the journey to Bruern from Northamptonshire. Our visitors made a strong start and both teams had chances early with Maxim H making some smart saves and Nate W hitting the post for Bruern at the other end.

Despite a phenomenal effort from the team luck went against us and Beachborough took a big lead into half time. The boys were in no mood to lie down and, led by captain Ethan W-B, they upped their effort levels and roared into the second half. Teddy C-F was rewarded for his tireless efforts with a well deserved goal. The team poured forward looking for an unlikely comeback as Henry D, Tom H, Theo T and Ralph W all tried to force a way through.

The boys never gave up and Will B, Will S, Will W and Rupert N put in a huge shift at the back but it wasn’t to be our day and Beachborough ran out comfortable winners in the end.

A final mention must be reserved for Nate W who made a point of thanking the Beachborough coach for the game as his sportsmanship was noted and praised by our visitors.