Football: Colts Reds v Ashfold School [H]

It seems to be repetitive but on another wet, cold and blustery day, the Colts Red team hosted Ashfold school to play a seven a side game. Due to some last minute sickness the Colts were only able to field 6 players. Add to this the fact that there was an icy wind around, it would have been perfectly understandable for our boys to be dreaming of a warm fire, blankets and playing football on their computers!

Not this team! Admirably led by Milo R, the scintillating six took on a well drilled Ashfold side who had the luxury of fielding a team of 9! Adam H and Mark R were robust and dogged in defence with Thomas B picking up any loose balls and clearing the lines. Sam D was erstwhile in goal and looked more assured in this position after being treated to a Mr Hankins goalkeeping masterclass the previous day! The biggest advantage from this was that Sam D began to use his hands! A heartwarming first half performance saw the game tied at 0-0. Ashfold had been relentless in attack with Bruern having very little opportunities to attack.

The weather got colder during the half time break and Bruern were once again besieged by the unrelenting Ashfold strikers and midfield. Eventually, the Bruern defence was broken and Ashfold ended up winning 4-0. However, I was very proud of the Bruern team for their determination and great spirits.

Well done boys!
Mr Vadivale