Cricket: 2nd XI v Beachborough

In the last game of the season, Bruern took to the road for the last time this year to the wonderful school of Beachborough. In considerably less summery conditions, captain Theo R lost the toss and the home side decided to bat.

Bruern opened with last week's successful opening pair of Theo R and Monty F, and they continued where they left off bowling tightly and with intent. Between them they took 3 wickets, yet Beachborough continued to score at a rate of 5 runs per over. Once again, the support bowlers of Rudy C, Ralph W and George R also stepped up and bowled excellently! George R bowled particularly well in his spell. Special mention must go to debutant Freddie D who really impressed with his bowling and fielding! At the end of 20 overs Beachborough had been restricted to 113 for 8 wickets.

After a lovely tea, Bruern began their reply. Some excellent bowling from Beachborough caused us to lose 3 early wickets. Monty F and Theo R rebuilt the innings as Bruern slowly but surely began to get nearer to the Beachborough total. Unfortunately, Bruern's early losses of wickets cost us as despite a spirited fight back from Chris E. Bruern ended the game falling short by 28 runs but a wonderful team effort and end to a very successful season!

I would like to thank the boys for all their superb efforts this season. It's been an absolute pleasure coaching you this term and my sincere thanks to all the parents who have turned up and supported us.

Well done everyone and have a great summer holiday!

Mr Vadivale