Peers & mentors


Photo L-R: Rudy S, Aiden P, Teddy C-F, Alexander B, Noah E, Christo K, Lucas D, Rupert N

We are delighted to introduce our first ever team of Upper Sixth peer mentors. Our aim is to continue to develop and promote a positive and inclusive culture within Bruern's family. Their role will be to help and support any boys who need a friendly face and maybe some guidance from an older boy who has a wealth of experience in all things Bruern.

Peer mentoring has been shown to be an effective intervention; improving mental health of both mentor and mentee, with benefits including improved self-esteem, increased empathy, and reduced anxiety levels. It can also help to build resilience and coping skills, through shared experience, informal chats, and discussion.

We will have regular meetings to see how to develop the role and see what works best. To begin with, we will create a Mentors Board in the main corridor, have an introduction in Junior assembly and some informal visits to tutor groups so the team can introduce themselves and answer questions in a smaller space.

Mr B Bryant, Mrs Phillips, and Ms. Farrow