Boarding: Senior School

“The house parents are very kind.”

Bruern Abbey Senior School Parent 2023

As with any Senior School, we are looking to develop in boys a greater sense of responsibility and confidence. As well as smaller dorms, boys have access to kitchenettes in which they can prepare their own snacks and drinks. Boys have some time to themselves in the evening, during which time they can use one of the communal spaces in the boarding house. Boys are encouraged to undertake new activities, and pursue existing interests. Boys are allowed to use their own electronic devices to contact their family. These are stored securely during the school day and overnight. Boys are, of course, educated in the importance of safe and responsible use of mobile devices.

Flexible Boarding

It offers, for those parents who wish it, a choice of one to four nights of boarding in the peace, security and beauty of the Chilton countryside, without compromising their three nights and a full weekend of family life at home.

Day Pupils

The school welcomes day boys, who arrive by 8.15am (8.50am on Monday) and are free to return home at 6.00pm (6.20pm Wednesday after chapel and 3.30pm Friday).

Evensong and Formal Dinner

Each Wednesday afternoon, we hold Evensong in the village church (St Mary the Virgin, located directly behind the school). This is a short service of choral song, congregational singing, prayers and readings. Parents are more than welcome to join us at formal dinner.